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Andrew Zohn (arranger)  : 30 Classical miniatures: DOz


Pieces by Beethoven, J.C. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Clementi, Duncombe, Haydn, L.Mozart, Hook, Schubert, Turk, W.A. Mozart arranged and selected by Andrew Zohn

Les Productions D’Oz: 23 pages

Andrew Zohn is well known in almost every area of the classical guitar, and here he has taken some shorter pieces by several well – known , and a couple of less well- known composers and arranged them successfully for guitar, not that ‘short’ means ‘ simple’ because a few times in this collection the pieces are fare from simple.

So we begin with 5 lesser –well – known pieces by the great Beethoven, beginning with a Deutscher Tanz set in D Major, with a dropped D 6th, and continuing with an Ecossaise in E Major a Kontertanz in Dm (dropped D 6th) and finally two Russisches Volkslied, one in Am, and the other in G Major, all very short, and more often than not in a mix of chords and two voices. Then we find two single works by two of JS Bach’s sons, a Schwabisch set in 3/8 in D by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, entirely in two voices and a much longer and more difficult Solfeggietto by Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach which is the first piece in the book to not be half a page in length, but rather a full two pages of mostly semi – quaver writing marked, significantly, Presto, and requiring great skill to play it well. One piece from Clementi, the Sonatina Op36 No1, a Spiritoso on C Major consisting of a one – page two voiced work that moves with great fluidity around the fingerboard.

Then we find two short pieces by William Duncombe, a composer many will perhaps not know. His Fanfare and very short Sonatina are not particularly difficult, but are not very memorable either!

Then we get 5 pieces by the great Haydn, 4 Minuets, and a Zigeunertanz in 2/4, all quite short, and pleasant to play, and all moderately difficult. A piece by Mozart’s father, Leopold Mozart then follows, being a Minuet in Dm and quite short too.

James Hook, a name I have not come across before, but whose dates are 1746 – 1827, then appears, with a Dance in C Major that stays in the first position with its two voices, followed by a Landler, by Schubert set in A Major that does move around the fingerboard quite considerably. Another name that might be new to many , Daniel Gottlob Turk ( 1750 – 1813) then contributes 5 pieces,  Rondino, Der Tanzende Meister, Jagdhorner mit Echo, Sorgenfrei  ( this one extremely short, and perhaps the easiest piece in the collection) and finally Dem Kleinen Finger Der rechten Hand Ergebenst Gewidmet, a piece where the title is nearly longer than the piece !

6 pieces by W.A. Mozart end the collection, Allegro, 3 Minuets, a Minuet and Trio, and finally an Aria, variable in length and difficulty all interesting to play.

So in essence this book would be quite useful for the pupil who wants to try something not too long and demanding, and having quite a variety of styles to try out too. I didn’t think that all the pieces were particularly memorable but then again, you might think entirely differently, and so many people will find this book really useful and helpful too!


Chris Dumigan

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