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Daniel Migdal and Jacob Kellermann : Schubert Sonatas : CD

SCHUBERT: Sonata in Am - D821 (Arpeggione) ; Duo Sonata in A Major Op162 - D574 ; Violin Sonata in D Major Op137 No1 - D384. (First two arranged by J.Kellermann, the last one arranged by M.Bergstrom , all for violin and guitar)

Daniel Migdal (violin) and Jacob Kellermann (guitar)

BIS – 2375

The 2nd and third Sonatas on this latest disc are originally for piano and violin, while the first is of course originally written for the now- defunct Arpeggione a six-stringed musical instrument fretted and tuned like a guitar, but with a curved bridge so it can be bowed like a cello, and thus similar to the bass viola da gamba, and during Schubert’s time it had a brief life , during which he wrote the Sonata in Am D821, a three movement work , in the usual fast –slow – fast tradition and lasting about 24 minutes. The first thing that you notice is how exceptional the music fits the violin and the guitar, for if you didn’t know it was an arrangement, you certainly would guess anything from the superb recording we have here. The moving Adagio 2nd movement is particularly emotional and beautifully captured.

The Sonata in A Major Op162 – D574 is in four movements with a Scherzo second, followed by an Andante and sandwiched by two Allegros. The opening Allegro is full of movement, and some nice interaction between the two players, with the following Scherzo really played at a considerable speed, which makes for an exciting listen, and shows the listener just how good the two performers are . The 3rd Movement Andante has plenty of drama and memorable moments and the final Allegro races around with much interplay between the two performers. This is another beautiful performance of a considerable Sonata.

The shortest Sonata by a fair way is the final Sonata in D Major Op137 No1 – D384, which immediately sounds a little more classical in form and style than its two predecessors. Set in three movements, it is a little lighter in style than the others but nevertheless a fine close to what is a really well played, and beautifully recorded trio of Sonatas, that really deserve to be heard.

Chris Dumigan

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