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Michel Dalle Ave: La Mirandete : DOz

Michel Dalle Ave

Les Productions D’Oz: 3 pages


This is a modest little piece that only takes up 21 bars, although with repeats it is 65 bars long. It starts in D Major, moving to B major halfway through, and is entirely in 12/8, and therefore in three voices, a melody often made up of dotted crotchets, a bass line of dotted minims for the most part, and a middle voice that is the arpeggiated accompaniment. Our composer has managed to include quite a few unusual chord progressions that take a little getting used to, but his fingerings in some of the trickier sections are well thought out and do help to create the legato feel necessary for this nice little piece.

It is definitely not easy as such, and so with there being one or two large-ish stretches, players need to be quite flexible and moderately good players to get the most out of this very pleasant piece.


Chris Dumigan

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