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Bernard Piris  : Deux Rencontres 2. L’Air Du Temps for Guitar Ensemble : DOz


Bernard Piris

Les Productions D’Oz: Score and separate parts (8, 2, 2, 2, 2, and 2 pages respectively)


This, the second of two pieces in the suite Deux Rencontres (see my other review elsewhere of the first piece), is again for 5 normal guitars (no Bass or Soprano etc) and is slightly shorter than the previous, consisting of only 91 bars , but this time having a speed marking of Tranquille, lointain, et mysterieux, and only 60 – 66 crotchets a minute, at the introduction, turning into a slightly faster 72 – 73 crotchets a minute at bar 8, and there marked Plus Allant, Andante.

The introduction has a laisser vibrer arpeggiated opening on guitar 2, a long noted solo line on guitar 3, before a natural harmonic melody on guitar 1, again as a solo. At the speed change, all five guitar parts enter, with nothing very difficult but everything legato, and more l.v parts. Gradually the notation gets more involved and there are a number of interesting harmonic sequences where sharps and flats start appearing more often (The piece has no key signature), and therefore the sound is modern but friendly, nothing atonal. Indeed the music changes key a number of times and the melodic phrases too. After a long chordal pause at bar 59, a wandering almost improvisatory four bars, leads to a Plus Lent, full of colourful chords on guitars 2 and 3, underneath a rubato melody on guitar 1.This then changes back to Tempo Primo for a varied repeat of the opening idea., that now rises in volume and excitement leading to a final coda on an altered chord of B Major.

This is another interesting work by Piris, not too difficult, and very playable by any moderately good players, and would be worth looking at if you have a bunch of players that fit that description!


Chris Dumigan  

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