MAGNIEN : 6 Andantes- Op17, No1 in E Major; ANON: Princess An’s Lute Book (Excerpts) Scotch Tune No1; Scotch Tune No2; Scotch Tune No3 ; Instruccion de Musica –Canaries in Gb Major: : Ausseer Tabulatur (Excerpts) No12 Aria, No8 Bourree No54 Gigue; Canaries in Gb Major: GIULIANI: 14 National Dances and 3 Marches Op24b (Excerpts)–No14 La Tarantella, No5 Allegro, No11 La Monferrina, No12 La Monaco; Coming Through The Rye; 6 Airs Irlandois Nationales Varies Op125 No5 My Lodging is on the Cold Ground: BROUWER: 2 Temas Populares Cubanos No1 Berceuse: ARCAS : Bolero in Am : SOR: 12 Etudes Op6 No11 – Allegro Moderato :MURCIA : Grave in Db Major: SANTIAGO DE MASARNAU: 3 Airs Caracteristiques Op17 No1: BOSCH: Plainte Moresque Op85: NEMEROVSKY: Alla Mazurka : Serenade In Am :COCQ: Rondeau In B Major: SHAND : Varsovie Mazurka Op204; Meditation Op69 No2 : MAESTRO: Quaderno de Musica Para Guitarra No2 Andante – Sonata: ARCAS : Coleccion de Tangos No1 Aire de Tango; Bolero DEL CASTILLO : Bolero in Em: VINAS : Andante Sentimental Op40: PRATTEN: Forgotten; Sadness, A Lost Love, A Lament No3 in D Major : VARGAS Y GUZMAN: Explicacion Para Tocar La Guitarra No13 Marcha de Napoles:TARREGA Pavana in E Major: LAURO : Suite Venezolana 1. Registro: PANORMO: Andante et Allegretto.
David Jacques
Atma Classique : ACD22806
Classical guitarist David Jacques has assembled a private collection of rare guitars made by the finest luthiers of the past 400 years. With his new album 14Histoires de Guitare , he becomes the first guitarist to play 14 different instruments on the same recording with each guitar being used for pieces that the composers would have recognised, which is certainly a very novel idea, that makes for fascinating listening.
Without going into every track, I’ll just mention a few. Firstly the opening track is by a composer i have never previously come across, Victor Magnien ( 1802 –n 85), a French Violinist and Guitarist, who wrote at least 13 oeuvres for guitar.His Andate No1 in E Major, is a lovely start to this album, and different enough to make you wonder why I haven’t seen his printed music anywhere. The four movements from Giuliani’s 14 National Dances and 3 Marches Op27b, are friendly pieces and a little more melodic than ( I’m sorry to say) a lot of his other pieces, including the lovely Coming Through the Rye, that I am sure you will all know. Straight after that we find the wonderful Leo Brouwer’s Berceuse from his 2 Temas Populares Cubanos, a superb piece of writing and one that if you don’t know, then please look it up! Then we get more Giuliani, and in the same vein as his previous work on this recording, this being My Lodging is on the Cold Ground, from his 6 Airs Irlandois Nationales Varies Op125, and another lovely piece of writing it is.
There are a number of rare works on offer here, from composers whose names may be completely new to you including Santiago de Masarnau, Aleksandr Nemerovsky, and Francois Le Cocq to name but three. Everything on this album is worth listening to, and the playing is of course exceptional, and the slightly different sound from the various guitars he plays makes this a fascinating album from start to finish.
Chris Dumigan