Eugene Den Hoed
Bergmann : 16 pages
Eugene Den Hoed has written many valued works for the guitar, a large amount of which I have seen and thoroughly enjoyed This latest one, in four movements is a revised edition of a now defunct edition by Muziekuitgeverij Iduna. The revisions are not huge but noticeable in a number of places throughout this work. Movement one begins with an Andante e Poco Rubato declamatory phrase , destined to return later. It is set around a centre of E, whilst not actually being in Em, if you understand me, although at times it feels like Em. The part – writing style enables the composer to flow through some rather unusual ideas whilst still feeling admirably suited to the guitar. The first movement is generally in three voices.
Part Two is a Piu Mosso and the chromatic nature of much of the material makes it seem almost like a variation of Part One, which I am almost convinced it is! Again this is largely in 3 voices.
The hardest movement is Part Three, marked again, Piu Mosso but this time exhibiting much more complexity in its rhythms. A sudden slowing down leads to the opening movement’s declamatory motto theme before it leads one into the final Part Four, where the first slow section marked Lento Ma Non Troppo occurs. This however soon leads to a Dal Segno , taking one back to the beginning of Part Three for another turn around the hardest section, before a trip to the coda , where one is met by the motto once more. A final thrusting flourish from Part Three and the work closes on a low E and a fourth string D.
This is always very playable, if at times unusual in its harmonic structures, but nevertheless always understandable and involving. This is a more than interesting work that shows how versatile this composer is and just how good his back catalogue is. If you do not know of this man’s writings, have a look for his other works and take a chance on some: they are well worth the effort.
Chris Dumigan