GERTZ: Express to the Living Room; Lyrical Song; Fast Track; Journey to an Unknown Destination; Mystico; Ballad; Play; Melody; Counter- attack
Johan Gertz
Recording available from : https://johangertz.se
Having heard this man’s first CD of compositions some time ago, I found them very different, very imaginative and exceedingly well played throughout. He plays a six string and a very special 13 string that really does sound quite something. So I looked forward to hearing this new collection of his own pieces.
The jazz element comes through right from the opening of the first track with its use of extended harmonic chords. Express to the Living Room is a mix of these complex chords and some very fast and well – controlled arpeggio patterns. The sound world often makes you think of the 30s, Gershwin, Ella Fitzgerald and other such jazz inhabited singers and composers.
Lyrical Song is exactly that. It is slow and melodic and with some unexpected harmonic changes that really add to the listening experience. Just about halfway through the rhythm picks up and the music gets more up-tempo before the opening idea re- emerges for the close.
Fast Track is immediately full of racing arpeggio patterns interspersed with the melody, and it all sounds very exciting, especially as he uses the 13 string here and some of the bass lines are very deep and add a great deal to the final sound.
Journey to an Unknown Destination begins in a waltz pattern before elaborating as it progresses. It has a haunting melody atop the slightly unexpected harmony work underneath. This complex piece has a lot of different elements to it that make it constantly fascinating to hear.
Mystico is a fast moving piece very much in the jazz world of harmonies and made me want to play the sheet music!
Ballad is what you might expect, slow, full of haunted harmonies , extremely long low bass notes ( the 13 string again) and moments of utter quiet and yet it too has places where the music moves a fair bit more before slowing down again to its original feel.
Play, at 8 minutes 25 seconds is the longest track here. It jumps around from the outset and is definitely playful in its mood, and has a number of different musical elements and themes. This really does show the listener what a wonderful player Gertz is.
Melody takes the tempo right back again to the slow and haunting sound that a couple of other pieces have shown us previously. The opening idea does change for a moment into another more dissonant idea before returning us to the opening idea, slightly varied.
The final track Counter – Attack begins slowly and quietly before turning into a more up – tempo almost Latin – rhythmed idea topped by a melody that bobs up and down in between. This Latin feel continues for the rest of the piece closing on a suitably exotic long chord.
Once again this man’s music is interesting, very melodic and like nothing else you may have heard except that it does almost continuously live in a jazz harmonic world that makes for a superb listening experience. He is moreover a brilliant player, and i can recommend this album to anyone who likes this style of writing and playing.
Chris Dumigan