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  • chrisdumigan

Michel Cardin, Thalia Moutopoulou and Chrysostomos Kalogridakis : Baroque Arias from Europe : CD

CACCINI : Amarilli , Mia Bella: BOTTRIGARI: So Ben Mi Ch’ha Bon Tempo: FRESCOBALDI : Se L’Aura Spira Tutta Vezzosa : CAVALLI: Restino Imbalsamate: MONTEVERDI : Si Dolce E’l Tormento; Zehro Torna: PURCELL: Music for a While: HAENDEL: No Se Emendera Jamas: STROZZI: Che Si Puo Fare: SCHMELZER: Aria Della Fortuna I ; Aria Della Fortuna II; Aria Della Virtu:LAMBERT: Ombre De Mon Amant.

Michel Cardin (Theorbo), Thalia Moutopoulou ( Soprano) and Chrystostomos Kalogridakis (Baroque Guitar and Tenor)

Musicmirror CD: KC230118

This is a very well – recorded and beautifully performed CD of quite rare Baroque Arias, all sung by the marvelous Greek soprano Thalia Moutopoulou, full of pieces I have personally never heard before, and indeed, with the exception of three composers, written by people I have never come across either. Michel Cardin is of course well – known in his field, as a wonderful player/ teacher and general musicologist, especially when involving the lute or its large relative the Theorbo. Furthermore on three of the pieces, the Baroque guitar of Chrysostomos Kalogridakis is used, the Cavalli, the Haendel, and the Monteverdi piece Zehro Torna, and on the final piece he also provides the tenor part too.

The first thing that you notice is how resonant Michel Cardin’s beautiful Theorbo is, with its very deep basses and wide – spread sound qualities, and the second thing you notice, and continue noticing throughout this recording is how wonderful a singer Thalia Moutopoulou really is.

As for the pieces themselves, nothing disappoints, they are all top –class and the entire recording sessions here take you away to a time long gone, when this music was played and sung everywhere. There are no standout tracks, because they are ALL standout tracks, and any listener who loves this style of music will adore this fabulous CD.

Chris Dumigan

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