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  • chrisdumigan

Bart Aerts : Folk Song : DOz

Bart Aerts

Les Productions D’Oz: 7 pages

Belgian Aerts has here written a piece that is warm, friendly and with lots of figurations that will remind players of the sort of music that a folk singer, like Ralph McTell might produce, and so the style of the piece is not a traditional folk song in the sense that some of you might assume, but more the sort of piece that your folk/acoustic guitarists might play and sing.

It has three main elements in it, the first being the opening set in G Major/E minor with plenty of friendly chords with a little coloration, namely a C chord with an added D, a G chord with an added A, plenty of Major sevenths, and a pleasant way of writing so that everything flows nicely from one bar to the next. The second section is in E Major, and there are a number of expressive runs up and down the fingerboard that sound harder than they in fact are! This then leads directly into the final E minor section marked appassionato .This then becomes Meno Mosso, and after a molto rall, returns to the opening first idea, from whence all three sections repeat , before a final return to the opening idea once more, and a coda where the music alters to lead to a final cadence on a G Major with an added A.

This is a moderately difficult piece only, and very melodic, with nice harmonies and a pleasant flow to its forward movement, and anyone who likes this style of writing will enjoy this piece.

Chris Dumigan

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