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Maximo Diego Pujol :El Mate del Estribo – GFA Spotlight Series : DOz


Maximo Diego Pujol

Les Productions D’Oz: 4 pages

This is part of an ongoing series commissioned by the Guitar Foundation of America, and written by one of our most important and well – known composers for the guitar in our lifetime.

This latest piece begins with a 16 bars of mostly three and four note chords in a serious little melody set in Dm in 3 / 4 .After that a Tempo Di Milonga steps in in semi – quavers and quavers , albeit in a slower tempo , but actually with notes moving much more rapidly than before. This section is now in D Major in 2/4 and moves around in a relatively easy fashion, often utilizing chord shapes as the starting point. Positions do reach here up to the fifth here, but careful finger placement really helps here to get through smoothly. Then at bar 49 a Poco Piu Mosso enters, in a similar vein to the foregoing, but now moving higher up the fingerboard, with occasional harmonics and hammer – ons, before the previous section returns once more and then a Da Capo takes us back to the opening chordal section that leads this time to a coda and a final close on a D minor chord.

As a piece of music,, this is pleasant , and friendly , if not quite as exceptional as some of this composer’s other pieces I have seen in the past, but nevertheless as a piece that shows how well this composer writes for guitar, it is absolutely fine.

Chris Dumigan

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